

Kindergarten Curriculum

Jacksonville Country Day School, a private elementary school in Jacksonville, FL, offers a leading Kindergarten program. Kindergarten students attend a nurturing learning environment, which fosters social-emotional, intellectual, and physical growth. Classrooms promote exploration and social engagement through a multi-sensory instructional approach as they develop the foundational skills and mindset required for success in elementary school and beyond.  

Physical education, music, science, library, Spanish, and art classes are an integral part of a Kindergartner’s life at JCDS. In all of the disciplines, teachers guide students to develop behaviors that enhance independent work while providing opportunities for students to make connections across the academic areas.

List of 11 items.

  • Art

    Kindergarten students develop an understanding of artistic techniques through different mediums such as watercolor, tempera, collage, oil pastels, markers, and clay while studying color theory, line, pattern, and shapes. Cutting, gluing, tearing, folding, drawing, painting, stamping, glazing, and sculpting techniques are introduced. A study of famous artists and their masterpieces complements the program. 
  • Character Education

    Social and emotional skills continue to be taught through the Loving Guidance - Conscious Discipline approach by Dr. Becky Bailey. During daily classroom meetings and activities, students practice sharing, collaborating, listening, and interpersonal problem-solving skills. Emphasis is placed on manners, monthly virtues, and the 7 Mindsets. Literature, journals, songs, role playing, buddy activities, service learning, character education assemblies, cooperative learning activities, and “teachable moments” are also an integral part of the character education program.
  • Global Studies

    Students continue to develop self-awareness as they learn about their friends, family, homes, school, and community. They are encouraged to dream big as they study heroes and sheroes and to appreciate cultural influences through the study of international holidays.
  • Language Arts

    The program nurtures students’ confidence as readers and writers while students  continue acquisition and mastery of alphabet knowledge through phonological and phonemic awareness, sound blending, reading high frequency words, and decoding grade appropriate books with accuracy. In writing, students begin the year teaching an audience through labeled drawings and then write their first informational booklets. Later, they delve into a unit on narrative writing, capturing true stories from their lives.  Throughout the year, students study the difference between narrative and informational text as they learn to revise their own writing and to elaborate with details. An engaging, multi-sensory approach to letter formation and spelling complements the program.
  • Library

    Early Learning students visit the library once per cycle with a teacher from their classroom for a story where they move their bodies and get excited about books. At this age, we instill a love of reading into our Sharks and expose them to basic literacy skills. In Kindergarten, children get a book to go home in their backpacks!
  • Math

    Math investigations are presented through group activities and routines such as the calendar, weather charts, and attendance. Emphasis is placed on recognizing and writing of numerals (1-30), counting, estimation, problem solving, comparing numbers, shapes, number bonds, part/part/whole, number stories, measurement, adding, subtracting, graphing, sequencing, sorting, patterning, and place value.
  • Music

    Students learn: 
    • Songs about animals, seasons, weather, and holidays
    • Expand moving to a steady beat through individual and partner dance
    • Learn about rhythm band and Orff instruments

    Kindergarten students are introduced to quarter and eighth notes, Kodaly: sol-mi, and classical music.
  • Physical Education

    Students participate in water acclimation activities and baseline swimming instruction as they learn pool safety skills. Throughout the year, they develop personal space understanding and hand-eye coordination as they are introduced to sport specific movements, flexibility, and balance activities. Fitness and large group aerobic games introduce students to new striking, catching and throwing techniques.
  • Science

    In Kindergarten students learn to conduct scientific inquiry through multi-sensory, hands-on lessons. During investigations students predict, observe, compare, classify, reason, measure, infer, and communicate as they delve into units on fitness and health, organisms, animals, the properties of water, engineering bridges, and designing windmills. Students attend science classes once during a five day rotation and have class in the STEM Shark Lab and Tech Studio once per cycle.
  • Spanish

    Spanish vocabulary and oral skills are developed through songs and poems, use of Spanish literature, and interactive activities. Emphasis is placed on numbers, colors, shapes, weather, parts of the body, days of the week, fruits, animals, clothing, action verbs, likes and dislikes, and holidays.
  • Technology

    Kindergarten students are introduced to developmentally appropriate learning apps, beginning robotics, and coding with Bee Bots.

Kindergarten Highlights

  • Social-emotional and character curriculum supports the development of each child
  • Engaging, interdisciplinary, project-based learning projects
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Concrete hands-on experiences form the foundation of abstract learning 
  • Daily physical education lessons
  • Optional healthy lunch program
  • Field trips 
  • Service learning projects
  • Outdoor educational investigations 
  • The Kindergarten spring performance